However from the description of the mod, the mod is suppose to also help those with low and mid graphics also. Textures are more detailed and I did see a performance in FPS it seems as I run everything on Max settings already.

I myself love the true lighting because when an area should be dark its dark and the lighting is way way way better with this mod. Giving them more detail along with true lighting( which can be turned on and off on the fly by pressing Shift and F12). This mod doesn't really make KF look like KF2, but brings Textures and such to life. The reason I like KF is because of it's dark look compared to KF2 Gloss on Everything shine look. After doing around 10 McAfee virus scans and 10 malwarebytes scans and 5 AVG virus scans (I'm not joking I'm really that bad on checking files.) I installed the mod and it makes KF look even better. The listing for the mod was listed as "Ultimate graphic mod v2 (Bring KF2 graphic to KF1)". The LAA version can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=2892 NOTICE: This version of the Ultimate Graphics Mod is not LAA (Large Address Aware).